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Transformation through Illusion

Have been pondering lately….being that butterfly and dragonfly medicine, seem to be my constant companions. So much evolution of myself. I've been single for quite a few years. But in the last month, have met some beautiful men who carry beautiful energy, in circle, some have come as clients, one has come as a business for the future, who has brought me more business, and another crossed my path at the Eumundi Markets, beautiful kiwi brother, who's energy touched my heart. He gave me a big hug and kiss, before he left, and our path will cross again, and I look forward to that time and what our yarning will be about. Up to a month ago, I felt like I had made some wrong decisions. One of the biggest reasons for being here, wasn't happening. But butterfly and dragonfly had to show me, time wasn't right, my side kicked hasn't got here yet. And the energy isn't right yet. Some things have to change for this step to happen. Even on the man front, at times I miss companionship, someone to spoon with, someone to hug me and tell me its all going to be fine. I think that is why these beautiful men keep coming into my life. To have that masculine energy around me. Even the old prospect fella I go and see to get some of my crystals to sell, shares his insight and energy with me. We have a yarn, and talk rocks, I worry about him, as he is a old fella, and he hasn't been well of late. These men remind me that when the time is right, the right man will cross my path and into my life. He will love my curves, the extra weight im carrying and will accept me as me. But this time is for me to get everything in place for my future, some hard work has to happen and is happening. I also got illuminated yesterday to negativity around me in the market, the quickness for some to say, bad day won't do well and if they shove you down in the square you won't do well. It made me look at the behaviours that are still around when someone is trying to put fear into you. To me Eumundi markets are a path for me, to connect to likeminded souls, find people who will become part of my path, the sisterhood and the brotherhood. Looking for that nurturing group of likeminded individuals. I also got to watch my tools affect people, call their owners in, even a young lad who showed me my tools are for all ages. My evolving into a butterfly is getting intense. Can't touch alcohol, even a glass, as the next day my energy is shattered. I feel something attaches to my back, like its trying to hold me back, suck me dry and pull me back into old behaviours. Alcohol is a demon that loves to pocess you, make you reliant on it, make it your happy go to, a legal addiction, that distroys. This butterfly is seeing much. The evolution is showing me, what is right, what is wrong, for me and how I want to live my path. There is a certain energy the has to be in place, to continue my path. So the right doors open. I am my own manifester and my own creator. The more I collect medicine plants, the more I connect deep into myself, to a understanding that has been there eons, lifetimes. Waiting patiently for when I was ready, then they open a door- and the download begins. I know there are more doors to open within, but its timing and the need to be balanced and in the right place for each door to open. Its like a event calendar, you don't know what you are going to find till you open the door. So be patient with yourself, look at what gets stirred up, when things arn't going right, maybe you are getting shown what you need to look within, to change so you can evolve into that Butterfly and fly. Its never easy nor perfect but its work in progress. Honour yourself and let the lessons of Butterfly and dragonfly guide the way. Don't be afraid, you have wings to protect you. Arohanui

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