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Illumination of Laura Festival

Have spent last two days, pondering Laura Festival and all its being. Such amazing experience. To be on traditional dance grounds, the energy, the shedding, the connections, heart seeing many things, massage and new friends. Hawks guilding the way and forever being present over the festival, coming too us. 4 Hawks mating above the dances. Hawks just being constant medicine. Even walking through the bush, looking for wood for tools, 3 pieces, one piece being shown to me in a dream before Laura. On that walk found 3 roosting trees, in a triangle, 11 Hawks in those trees. The energy of it, had me connecting deeply to Mother. Such deep respect for her children. Such a scene that etches deep within my heart. The night performance was deadly, and what was delivered to me, energetically

was intense, painful but illuminating, which fitted with the feather I found in the dark on my first night there-Silver Crested Cockatoo, Sister found me in the dark. So right for me, for this weekend. My heart skipped a beat, in heart, in space of love, that reminded me of what is coming. My heart fills with joy at this. The power of those dances, culture at its most beautifulness. We were so blessed that our massage tent , looked at dances, so we massaged and watch. I took a friends Water Essence, born on Kuku Yalanji land. This essence had me in tears, as the shedding and healing happen within. Driving home was gifted Owl and Hawk. Such a powerful ending to a powerful long weekend. After the unpacking, Meditation and clearing was done, to ask for insight on the weekend. Of what I needed to see and understand. Frankincense and Sandalwood burned on the coals, bringing deep peace. Such a powerful meditation, still understanding all of what the meditation showed me. The Star Beings, came to me, 2 of them, masculine and feminine. Feeling their energy wind through my body. At one stage I asked a question, and energy shot through my feet, up my body and out my head, 3rd vibrating deeply, such a powerful response to my question. And this response I will ponder deeply. Life is amazing thing, and you never know what's going to happen, but if you open your heart and trust, and never say no to opportunity, you never know what's going to turn up on your journey. Arohanui

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