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Eyes Open

Well this has been a wild trip so far, with Hawk as my constant companion, I lost count how many I have had cross my path, flown with me and even a nearly full albino Hawk, what amazing site. They have been with me up and down the island. I think what has also been huge is the healing for myself, as I step onto Papatunuku as fully me. When north I didn't get to catch up with everyone, sorry, my time was short up there as had to be back in Auckland.

What I have been shown is all the places that need healing within the land and the spirit thats wandering the land. As we have passed through on our magical mystery tour with Jaxstar Watson. It has been heart warming to drive areas I haven't driven in donkeys years. But also on spiritual level to have my eyes open to how much work is to be done here at home.

To find out one of my oldest mates is doing land healing, we each do it differently but that doesn't matter we all get the same result. We need more of us, there is much work to be done, weather you believe or not.

My guides are all with me, one girlfriend had a visit from my old fella and also the Grandmother who has recently joined me, Showing me Im not alone this trip. Also they crowded round me when I went to visit two places yesterday that need healing and putting to rest, each place felt different. Then to find out that there is a Trickster spirit here feeding off the healers who try to go near these places to heal it. For warned for armed. And I was never going alone, there is a sadness in papatunuku here in certain places. I sit at my daughters and feel spirit come to me.

We cant walk around with our eyes closed any more. Not those of us who see, we cannot close our eyes to what we see and feel. New Zealand has amazing energy but some places are quite ill, the land and the spirit is broken, its time to mend her. And I give huge gratitude to those already doing this work here, Australia and around the world, its so needed.


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